Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Purveyors of Violence

Hey, Kids! What time is it?

Never mind. This is much too serious for that. The State of
the Union. President George W. Bush stating to us that the
union might be moribund, but he, George, is going to revive
it with a shot in the arm.

Shoveling money into the pockets of the wealthy didn't do
the job. Didn't trickle down, just a painfully slow ooze. Now
he's going to try the other arm. Trying to stave off the
Recession that's coming at us like a yapping dog about to bite.

A week before his speech, while he was performing a knee-
jerk tribute to Dr. King, he studiously avoided any mention of
war. He and Hilary. Both praised Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr.,
for his courage, for his leadership in the Civil Rights

They wouldn't have mentioned his courageous stand against
the Vietnam War, the speech in which he branded the U.S.
Government as "the greatest purveyor of violence in the
world today", for if "Iraq" were substituted for "Vietnam",
the speech would indict Bush, Hilary Clinton, and all those
who instigated and voted for the war in Iraq.

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