Friday, August 01, 2008

Will the Stimulus Stimulate the Economy?

Did anyone really believe that the "stimulus" check hand-
outs would revive the economy?

Unemployment and food prices still rising, and talk now
of a second "stimulus" package needed, as in "well, we
threw that money down a hole and it disappeared from
sight, so maybe we better fling some more after it."

About half those responding to one poll said they'd pay
on their debts. One report stated that many were spending
at least part of their money on websites offering
pornography. Most of these are located in other countries
so the U.S. won't benefit much but the speculation was
that embattled consumers had an urge to stimulate

Spend it on gas was another response. Although it's now
about 30 cents less per gallon, a tank full takes a huge
chunk out of most workers' paychecks.

I'm among those who will be be giving the oil magnates what
will amount to small change for them. My $300 will just about
cover the increase in the price of 300 gallons of propane. I'll
be spending about the same amount of my own money- plus
the "stimulus" check- to keep icicles from forming on my bod
this winter. I don't think either the economy or myself is
going to be stimulated, but I guess it's better than waiting for
the Bush tax cuts to the rich to trickle down. That trickling
petered out long before it reached my level.

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