Friday, December 29, 2006

Peace on Earth?

Author William Blum writes in the preface to the British edition of his
book Rogue State:

"If I were the president, I could stop terrorist attacks against the United
States in a few days. Permanently. I would first apologize -- very publicly
and very sincerely -- to all the widows and the orphans, the impoverished
and the tortured, and all the many millions of other victims of American

"I would then announce that America's global interventions -- including
the awful bombings -- have come to an end. And I would inform Israel
that it is no longer the 51st state of the union but -- oddly enough -- a
foreign country. I would then reduce the military budget by at least 90%
and use the savings to pay reparations to the victims and repair the damage
from the many American bombings and invasions. There would be more
than enough money. Do you know what one year of the US military budget
is equal to? One year. It's equal to more than $20,000 per hour for every
hour since Jesus Christ was born.

"That's what I'd do on my first three days in the White House. On the fourth
day, I'd be assassinated."

You can read more about Rogue State at William Blum's website.

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